Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI)
RLI – Rotary Leadership Institute
What is RLI
Want to learn about and understand the breadth of Rotary and how it fits together; the pieces in the jigsaw puzzle?
RLI provides participants with a two-part series of content rich, well-paced modules to enhance understanding of the full range of Rotary programs offered across District 9810.
RLI is a Rotary program designed to provide the “story of Rotary” through sharing of knowledge.
The courses will be run on two Sundays, with two modules being covered on each day
Participants contribute through facilitated workshops and syndicate sessions.
Members from our District who have completed the course found that the content is valuable, relevant and well worth the time invested.
Who should register?
All Rotarians with a minimum of twelve month’s Rotary experience. This program is an excellent training opportunity and grounding for:
- Incoming Club Presidents
- Members who will serve as President in 2021/22 (with Daryl Moran), or 2022/23 (with Ken Miller)
- Members who will take a lead position in their club in the 2021/2022 Rotary year
- Members who want to know more about the work of Rotary International, in our district and across the world.
Course Content
- The Rotary Foundation
- Each of the Avenues of Service: Club, Vocational, International, Community and Youth
- Membership – gaining, training and retaining
- Marketing – your programs, your club
- Service Projects
- Rotary service – beyond our district
To find out more
Check this link to FAQs about the course. If your question isn’t answered here, please contact Course Coordinator Carol Lawton.
When we are able to offer more RLI courses, they will be advertised in the District Newsletter. If you would like to register your interest, please contact Carol.
Contact person: Carol Lawton -