Supervisor:  Grace Ramirez          Ph: (02) 8894 9830
Coordinator:  Sally Furto–(Aust & NZ)  Ph: (02) 8894 9832
Coordinator:  Melissa Asanza (TRF Finance)        Ph: +61  2 8894 9833
Coordinator:  Rosalyn Ong (Philippines)              Ph: +61  2 8894 9831
Services provided by this office are:
• Collect per capita dues and other payments to Rotary International
• Process Semi Annual reports on club membership  and inquiries on SAR payments
• Assist clubs & districts with inquiries on: club remittances and balances, reinstatements after payment following termination
• Process The Rotary Foundation contributions
• Make payments to Rotarians travelling at RI or Rotary Foundation expense
• Make payments to Rotary Foundation Scholars
• Make Global payments  on behalf of TRF and Rotary International  ( SPAs)