Ken Miller PDG
District 9815 Community Service Chair
Email: ken.miller@rotary9815.org.au
Community Service is “the heartbeat of Rotary”; where we make a difference in making this a Better World to live in.
Clubs have a central role in the determination, funding, and execution of Community Service programs and projects.
Effective Community Service Projects:
- Are relevant to the community
- Anchor a Club to its community
- Identify and understand the key issues in your community
- Involve other organisations and stakeholders for the best outcomes
- Provide opportunities for the promotion of Rotary and membership attraction.
Exciting Projects and Activities
1. Individual Locality Projects
Huge variety of interesting and high-impact projects to improve life in your local communities. For the locality and community service causes you want to support, click on the “Locality” tab under “Information” on the left of this page.
2. Multi Localities Programs
There are a number of Community Programs across a spectrum of priority needs, led by experienced program representatives to assist volunteers and individual Clubs. For contact and program details, click on the “Information” column on the left of this page.
Key Supported Causes
Our key Community Service causes for this Rotary year are:
1. Working Together
2. Building Rotary’s image in your community
3. Sharing ideas and projects across D9815
The Community Avenue of Service for District 9815 offers a range of District Endorsed, Managed, and Supported Programs, each led by experienced program representatives who are willing to assist Clubs. Refer to these Programs in the Information column to the left.