Earlyact is a school wide club for primary school students, nurturing the ideal of ‘Community Service’ and is usually overseen by Years 5/6 students. The school Earlyact Club is sponsored and supported by one of the local Rotary Clubs in the area in which the school is located, which work in partnership to foster service, leadership, and character.
Primary-aged students in Years 5 – 6 oversee and lead a whole-school program that, depending on the club's various activities, may involve the entire school.
Program Information:
The purpose of EarlyAct activities is to engage students in character-building activities, to prepare them for leadership roles and to identify and carry out meaningful projects which benefit their school, local and international communities.
The EarlyAct Club needs a teacher to support and guide the students and work with the Rotary Club as required.
Clubs have a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer who form a Board to lead and assist the three major committees (School, Local, International) in completing agreed service and fund-raising tasks in their school, their local community and in the wider world.
Meetings are held at least twice a month, there are no membership fees, and a Rotary member or two will usually attend each meeting to provide additional liaison, guidance and support.
A standard EarlyAct Constitution and Meeting procedure is available, and an annual Leadership Training Day for incoming EarlyAct committees will be held in December.
There are no membership fees, and a sponsoring Rotary Club will always undertake to supply some set-up items, such as a banner, meeting gavel and badges for office-bearers.
Benefits for participants:
The students learn to develop committed citizenship, leadership qualities and the importance of respect, dignity and caring for all people by identifying and taking responsibility for real-life problems within their school, local and global communities.
EarlyAct clubs can partner with a worldwide network of similar clubs.
Students work with school teaching staff, other involved adults, and the sponsoring Rotary club members who act as facilitators, mentors and role models.
In a practical manner, students learn how to construct meeting agendas, conduct meetings using correct procedure, lead small project teams, enhance their public speaking ability, experience working together with others in a team to achieve a common purpose, and realize the importance of all communities of serving the needs of other people.
For more information, contact:
D9815 Earlyact Chair, Kathy Monley OAM. (RC Manningham City) kj.monley@gmail.com
Earlyact Clubs in D9815
EarlyAct Club |
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of |
Contact |
Beverley Hills PS.
Manningham City | Kathy Monley |
Coldstream PS |
Wandin |
Warwick Bisley |
Firbank Grammar (Sandringham) |
Sandringham |
Bob Richards |
Foster PS |
Foster |
Lawrie Warfe |
Donburn PS |
Manningham City |
Kathy Monley |
Kingswood PS |
Dingley Village |
David Cugley |
Parkridge PS |
Rowville-Lysterfield |
Max Williams |